Admissions FAQ

Application Questions

How do I access the application?

Our application for the 2025-2026 school year will be available September 1, 2024! All prospective students are required to fill out an Application for Admission.

There is a non-refundable application fee due at the time of submission for all applications.

Once an application is submitted, interested families may apply for financial aid through our Clarity Financial Aid Application.

When is the application deadline?

Freshman Applicants: Our Priority Application Deadline is Friday, January 31, 2025, for applicants seeking admission for 9th grade during the 2025-2026 school year. Applications received by this date are provided priority consideration over those who submit their application after this date.

Transfer Applicants: Transfer applicants are those seeking admission who have already attended at least one year of high school. La Salle considers transfer applicants on a limited, space-available basis. The priority application deadline for regular transfer applicants for the 2025-2026 school year (starting August 2025) is Monday, March 17, 2025. Applications received by this date are provided priority consideration over those who submit their application after this date.

Mid-Year Transfer Applicants: Mid-year applicants are those seeking admission for the spring semester (starting January 2025). Spaces are very limited for mid-year transfer applicants. The deadline for mid-year transfers is Wednesday, November 1, 2024.

Admissions Process Questions

What is the Inquiry?

The Admissions Inquiry is our one-stop shop for all things related to the admissions process. You can learn more about the Admissions Process, schedule a tour, and more all in one place. If you have any questions or issues with the utility, please contact our Admissions Office.

What are the criteria for admission?

The requirements for freshman admissions are:

  • Completed application for the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Official school transcripts for 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Note: First semester of 8th grade is required by February 10, 2025.

  • Take a Placement Test
    • On Campus on Saturday, January 25 or Sunday February 2, 2025

  • Current English Teacher Recommendation & Current Math Teacher Recommendation

    • The applicant will need to complete and submit the recommendations by February 10, 2025

  • Student/Parent Interview
    • We require all students and parent(s)/guardian(s) to interview with a member of the Admissions Team as part of the application process. Student/Parent interviews will take place on January 27, 28, 29, 30, and February 1, 2025. Virtual and in-person opportunities will be available. Interviews can be scheduled via the Finalsite portal beginning December 2024.

Transcripts, Personal Statements, and Teacher Recommendations are due by Monday, February 10, 2025, via the Finalsite Application Portal.

Note: International applications or students currently enrolled in an English-Language Learner course may need to submit an English proficiency test as a part of their admissions application.

Find more information about applying to La Salle College Preparatory here!

Can I transfer to La Salle?

Transfer admission is on a limited, space-available basis at La Salle. If you're interested in transferring your child, please complete an application.

Two letters of recommendation, current high school transcripts, a personal statement, and a student-parent interview are required for transfer admission. All requirements can be completed via the Finalsite application portal.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Admissions Office at (626) 696-4310 or

Do you offer campus tours? Is a campus tour required for admission?

Campus Tours serve as a great opportunity for prospective students and families to explore our campus, ask questions and learn more about our community. Group tours are led by student ambassadors through campus, highlighting the many opportunities, facilities, and programs available for our students.

Click here to schedule a campus tour today!

La Salle Questions

What are the tuition and fees?

Click here for information.

For applicants whose primary residence is not the United State of America (students who will not have completed 3 continuous years of Middle School education in American schools before entering 9th grade), and for applicants who need an I-20, please contact Mr. MJ Mao, Director of Global Programs, at

Do you offer financial aid?

Yes. Financial aid is need-based. Applications are available in early November on our website. Admission is need-based blind, meaning admission to La Salle does not take financial aid needs into consideration. Currently, 35% of our students receive some form of financial aid. Click here for more information.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes, scholarships are offered

Click here for more information.

Can a non-Catholic be admitted to La Salle?

Yes. Currently, approximately one-third of the student population is non-Catholic. Being a part of the Catholic faith is not required for admission to La Salle College Preparatory.

How many students apply for how many spots?

La Salle has consistently received approximately 500 applications for 170 spaces over the last three years for the freshman class.

What honors and AP (Advanced Placement) courses do you offer?

We offer 14 honors and 24 AP courses are available in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, World Languages, and Visual & Performing Arts. More information is available on our Course Catalog.

For more information about academics, please visit this page.

What does a typical freshman course load look like?

Freshman Full-Year Schedule

Religious Studies
Spanish I / French I
Physical Education/Health
Arts & Media (Visual & Performing Arts)

What does a typical freshman schedule look like?

La Salle College Preparatory operates on an A-B bell schedule. Each student is registered in 7 different classes. Each day, 3 or 4 classes meet in 75-minute blocks with breaks in between.

Click here to view the bell schedules at La Salle.


La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.