
Admissions Updates Regarding Eaton Fire (as of January 13, 2025)

Our prayers go out to all those impacted by the Eaton Fire. Our Admissions Team is ready to assist all families impacted by this ongoing disaster. Please click here for our current response to the Eaton Fire and changes to our admissions operations to support our current and prospective family communities.

La Salle College Preparatory: Empowering capable students to become extraordinary people!

We look forward to helping your son or daughter Explore Their Passions and Find Their Purpose through academic excellence that focuses on Nurturing, Inspiring, Challenging, and Motivating our students to Learn, Serve, and Lead.

We have been educating students in the greater Pasadena area for over 60 years. Our roots are immersed in a rich history and tradition that goes back more than 300 years to the Lasallian founder, St. John Baptist de la Salle, and the Christian schools he created.

Academic Opportunities Abound:

We are at the forefront of education; we are flexible, adaptive, and ever-evolving with what the world has to offer and how it can be best utilized to support our students. Because of this, our academic and co-curricular programs are more than exceptional.

We offer 24 AP courses that give our students the opportunity to challenge themselves to grow even more in their academic excellence.

Courses include some of the following:

  • Forensic Science
  • Introduction to Law
  • Digital Game Design

For more information, check out our current Course Catalog.

Exploring Passions and Finding Purpose:

Our students find and pursue their passions while they are here. Part of what contributes to helping students find their purpose and passions is a learning environment that is diverse. We are proud of our co-ed, ethnically and socio-economically diverse environment that reflects our shared world. We also expand our students’ understanding of the world even further through a dedication to meaningful service-learning at every grade level.

Click here to view our Admissions Viewbook.

The World is Your Classroom: Learning takes place everywhere, not just in the classroom. We have impressive co-curricular programs that give students the opportunity to become explorers and innovators. We do this by having them apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life situations.

These situations can be anything:

    • Debating public policy with Speech & Debate
    • Creating a robot with our STEAM program
    • Competing as a part of our championship athletic program
    • Performing with our music, theater, or dance programs
    • Traveling the nation and the world representing La Salle as part of our Academic Decathlon team

Click here to learn more about our campus visit opportunities, both virtually and in person.

We're excited to welcome you to La Salle!

Get Started on Your Journey Today!

  • Stay Updated: Submit an admissions inquiry to ensure you stay updated on the latest from La Salle.
  • Submit an Application: Get started on an application today to officially begin your admissions journey! Although our priority admissions application and financial aid deadlines for 9th grade have passed, we will continue to accept applications on a space-available basis throughout the spring semester for Fall 2025. We recognize challenges may still exist due to the impacts of the Eaton Fires. Please reach out to our Admissions Team if you need additional assistance or flexibility with completing your application and submitting your documents
  • Visit Our Campus: Join us for an in-person tour of our campus.
  • Check Out Our Open House Center: Our in-person open house event was held on Sunday, November 3, 2024. To view a recap of the event, visit our Open House Center.
  • Reach Out With Questions: Have questions about the process? Email admissions@lasallehs.org or call (626) 696-4310.

Why La Salle?

As a part of our 2022 In-Person Open House, we shared a special keynote presentation featuring proud members of our Lasallian, Catholic community. From parents and alumni to our current students, they share their thoughts on why an education at La Salle is so special and unique.


La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.