Passing of Sister Ann Marie Lustig
The Alumni Office regrets to inform you that Sister Ann Marie Lustig, O.P., AFSC passed away on January 17, 2022. Sister Ann Marie worked at La Salle from 1990-1998 serving as Religious Studies Department Chair, a counselor and the moderator for numerous clubs and organizations. Sister Ann Marie also taught at La Salle High School in Milwaukie, OR and was a founding faculty members of La Salle High School in Yakima, WA. Sr. Ann Marie received her AFSC in 2008 while serving at La Salle in Yakima which was her final school ministry assignment prior to being elected to her...
Carlos Nuevo is a Quest Bridge Match Scholarship Recipient!
La Salle College Preparatory is proud to announce that Carlos Nuevo '22 received a full four-year scholarship to Northwestern University through the Quest Bridge National College Match. Congratulations Carlos! Best of luck at Northwestern University!
Return to Campus and In-Person Instruction Postponed to Monday, January 10, 2022
Message from the President’s Office - January 5, 2022 Dear La Salle Community, Today, we received notification that our campus testing partner, COVID Testing Today, has been overwhelmed by the sharp increase in testing demand, along with staffing shortages brought on by the recent COVID-19 omicron surge. Unfortunately, surge-related testing delays are widespread amongst all testing sites and partners city, county, and statewide. Due to these factors, COVID Testing Today will not have test results back to us in time for our planned start of school on Thursday, January 6th. Due to the delay in the test results, and to...
Thanksgiving Class Reunions
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, the Class of 2015 celebrated a belated Five Year Reunion and the Classes of 2010 & 2011 celebrated a joint Ten Year Reunion.The Class of 2015 celebrated their belated 5 Year Reunion on Thanksgiving Eve on the patio at El Cholo in the Paseo Colorado. Favorite faculty members Ed O'Connor, Owen Hou, Pat Bonacci, Doug Rynerson and Jude Lucas were also in attendance. To date, the Class of 2015 has raised nearly $300 toward their Reunion Class Gift to support La Salle's financial aid program. Gifts can still be made online at https://www.lasallehs.org/giving/why-giveThe Classes of 201...
Passing of Brother Raphael Patton, FSC
The Alumni Office regrets to share that former faculty member Brother Raphael Patton, FSC, passed away on December 6, 2021. Brother Raphael worked at La Salle from 1963-1967 where he taught freshman religion, sophomore geometry and senior trigonometry as well as music appreciation and journalism. Brother Raphael also served as Freshman Class Moderator,Yearbook Moderator, time keeper for Basketball under Duffy Lewis, helped coach long jump, high jump and pole vault, and helped produce Spring Showcase under Harold Frank. Brother Raphael attended numerous reunions at La Salle and could often be found at our Bay Area Alumni gatherings. Services have been...
Alumni Adopt-A-Family Wrapping Party Success
On December 4th, alumni volunteers along with family members and friends wrapped 150+ presents that were purchased with alumni donations for the needy families the Alumni Association adopted for the holidays in connection with La Salle's annual Adopt A Family program. The Wrapping Party took place in the atrium with plenty of coffee, hot chocolate and holiday cheer.Many thanks to the 80+alumni donors who donated over $7,500 to the cause. This year's families came to us from the Salvation Army in Pasadena and Hathaway-Sycamores in Pasadena.Thank you to all who participated to make this an unforgettable Christmas for those in...
Passing of Father Daniel McSweeney
The Alumni Office regrets to share that Father Daniel McSweeney, affectionately known as "Padre", passed away on Wednesday, November 24th at the age of 85. Father Dan served as a faculty member, soccer coach, golf coach, and school chaplain over his 20+ years of service to the school which began in 1969. No public services are being scheduled at this time. However, if you would like to send your sympathies or a story about Father Dan onto the family, the Alumni Office will be collecting them to forward along. Messages can be emailed to alumni@lasallehs.org or mailed to the school...
La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.