La Salle Students Help Decorate Ft. Irwin
Members of the Support Our Troops Club traveled to Ft. Irwin in Barstow on Saturday, November 4th, to help decorate the Army Training Base for Christmas. Students helped string lights, hang wreaths, and paint Christmas scenes on windows. Thanks to the students who spent their Saturday spreading holiday cheer for our military and their families.
Honoring Our Alumni Veterans
On November 11th, and throughout the entire month of November, the Alumni Association and La Salle Community is honoring the 358 known Alumni Veterans who served, or are currently serving their country, in the Armed Forces. Thank you for your sacrifices, courage, and strength. Click here to view a list of La Salle's Alumni Veterans
La Salle Welcomes Over 1,000 Prospective Parents and Students at Open House
On behalf of La Salle College Preparatory and our entire admissions team, we would like to express our thanks to all those who were able to join us for our 2023 Admissions Open House on Sunday, November 5th. We were thrilled to have hosted over 1,000 guests and 400 families on our campus on a beautiful Sunday afternoon! Our entire community of current parents, students, faculty, staff, coaches, and alumni provided our guests with an amazing experience and in-depth look at our expansive facilities and academic, arts, athletic, and co-curricular programs. To ensure we captured all the excitement from the...
Mr. Keenan Kurihara, VP of Enrollment Management & CCO, Honored with 'Rising Star' Award by Enrollment Management Association
Over the last several years, La Salle’s enrollment has grown tremendously, allowing for the expansion of different programs and student engagement opportunities, like our Centers of Innovation. Our admissions and enrollment management progress also ensures that the school is filled with students who live out our mission and Five Core Principles. Thanks to the collective efforts of our entire school community, La Salle is at full capacity from an enrollment perspective for the first time in many years, having received over 500 admissions applications last year for only 160 spots in the incoming freshman class.In recognition of this outstanding growth...
"Our Town" Theater Production - Showing Now!
The La Salle Drama Department's Fall Production opens Friday, November 3rd, in the Grinstead and runs until November 11th. Thornton Wilder once said his Pulitzer-Prize Prize-winning play Our Town is about “the life of the village against the life of the stars.” A time capsule of what was and what is, the play follows the residents of a small New England town at the turn of the 20th century. Simple, unsentimental, and heart-breaking, Our Town asks if “human beings ever realize life while they live it? – every, every minute?”. La Salle's production of Our Town not only features over...
Class of 2003 Reunion
The Class of 2003 celebrated their 20 Year Reunion at El Cholo in Pasadena on Saturday, November 4th with nearly 40 class members in attendance along with favorite faculty members Mr. Pat Bonacci, Mr. Ed O'Connor and Mr. Michael Keating. To date, the Class of '03 has raised $675 from 14 members of the class for La Salle's financial aid program in memory of your 4 classmates who have passed away. To make your contribution, visit lasallehs.org/sanmiguel. View more pictures from the Reunion here
Thanksgiving Food Drive Success
La Salle's Support Our Troops Club led the 13th Annual Box of Love Drive to fill Thanksgiving Food boxes for needy military families. Thanks to the support of the school community and outside donors, including 2 Brownie Troops and Sudsy Vending Supplies, the Club was able to fill 125 Thanksgiving Food Boxes and give the "For Families of Active Military" organization $5,000 for the purchase of gift cards from the commissary on base for turkeys and other dinner trimmings. These 125 boxes and gift cards were delivered to Ft. Irwin in Barstow and distributed to families in time for Thanksgiving.
La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.