Spiritual Life
La Salle provides its students with opportunities for spiritual growth. Every month during the academic year, students come together to experience the liturgical life of the Church through Mass.
On a daily basis, using the Lasallian formula of prayer, students begin the school day with a prayer that includes writings from our founder, the day's scripture readings, or a prayer for the saint of the day.

Four Year Retreat Program
The retreat program at La Salle High School is a four-year program designed to be an integral part of each student’s growth and development during their high school years. Overall, the retreat program seeks to serve the needs of each student as each student grows in his or her understanding of self as a creation of God who is called to serve and live a faith-filled life.
Freshman Retreat: “Living the Core” The ninth-grade retreat introduces students to some of the core principles of a Lasallian school, particularly focusing on building and serving the community. It takes place during the beginning of the school year over two consecutive days at The First Church of the Nazarene, Pasadena, followed by a day of service at the Los Angeles Food Bank. All freshmen attend both days of this retreat.
Sophomore Retreat: Micah 6:8: To Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humbly with God This retreat gives students the opportunity to examine the meaning of Micah 6:8, as we are called to treat others with justice, have “Concern For The Poor”, a concept at the heart of our Lasallian mission, and continue to work on our relationship with God. The one-day retreat is followed by a day of service at various organizations that are dedicated to those in need. All sophomores participate in this retreat and service day.
Junior Retreat: “Who Do You Say That I Am?” The eleventh-grade retreat gives students a chance to examine the person they are becoming. The Junior Retreat, “Who Do You Say That I am?” encourages each participant to answer that question in relationship to self, friends, family, and God. The retreat takes place over two nights and three days at Mount Kare in Wrightwood, California. This retreat is offered twice during the school year, one in both the fall and spring semesters. All juniors are invited and encouraged to participate in one of the offered retreats.

La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.